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Attention to people in a situation of dependency

Intermediate degree


  • Support services.
  • Psychosocial services.
  • Home management support services.
  • ...

General competence:

The care of people in a dependency situation, both in the domestic and institutional environment, with the aim of maintaining their life quality, providing assistance through non-health, psychosocial and home help activities. All of this following prevention and safety standards and referring, where appropriate, to other services.

* ETHAZI model: (a methodology based on challenges)

  • Work is done through challenges based on collaborative learning. Learning by doing.
  • Transversal competences are worked on: creativity, initiative, teamwork, communication, digital skills…

1. School year

Intermediate degree

  • Social skills
  • Characteristics and needs of people in a situation of dependency
  • Communication support
  • Home support
  • Health care
  • Teleassistance
  • First aid
  • Technical English

Attention to people in a situation of dependency

Level: Intermediate degree

Degree: Attention to people in a situatin of dependency
School years: 2
Internship in a company: 380 ordu
Hours in the centre: 1.620 ordu
Total hours: 2.000 ordu

2. School year

Intermediate degree

  • Organisation of attention to people in a situation of dependency
  • Psychological care and support
  • Hygiene care
  • Training and Labour Guidance
  • Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Training in work centres

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