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Administration and finance

Higher degree


  • Management and administrative tasks in private or public companies in any sector: accounting
  • Commercial
  • Personnel management...
  • Insurance companies
  • Banks
  • Other financial institutions
  • Consultancy
  • Administrator
  • Notary's office and other service offices
  • Administrative tasks at different levels of any Public Administration Department (Administrative Assistant - Subaltern).
  • ...

You will learn to:

  • Management of stock procurement.
  • Execution and analysis of accounting and tax operations.
  • Carrying out and supervising the operations of advice, negotiation, claims and sale of products and services.
  • Administration and management of human resources.
  • Managing financing, informing and advising on insurance products and services.
  • Using computer programmes and equipment for administrative management.
  • Using computer programmes and equipment for administrative management.

* ETHAZI model: (a methodology based on challenges)

  • Work is done through challenges based on collaborative learning. Learning by doing.
  • Transversal competences are worked on: creativity, initiative, teamwork, communication, digital skills,…

Administration and finance

Higher degree

Occupational family: Administration and finance
Degree: Administrative management technician
School years: 2
Internship in a company: 360 hours
Hours in the centre: 1.640 hours
Total hours: 2.000 hours

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