In our school center, we offer 6 different professional training cycles, exclusively in Basque.
IZARRAITZ lanbide heziketa works as an educational intermediary in the whole Urola Erdia Region. It also offers various services to business: a job bank, pupil offers to internship periods and DUAL trainings.

IZARRAITZ Lanbide Heziketa is an educational centre that only offers Vocational Training.
We offer Vocational Training cycles (Higher and Intermediate), Courses for Workers and courses for the Unemployed.
IZARRAITZ Lanbide Heziketa is deeply established in the region. Countless students have passed through our centre and have ended up working in companies in the region. We have a very close relationship with the world of work, having contact with more than 200 companies to develop the subject of Workplace Training. Since 1986, we offer training for the recycling of workers and we help companies in innovation projects.
Since 1999 we have ISO 9001 and 14001 certificates.