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Social inclusion

Higher degree


  • In the different sectors of services aimed at people; in the care - educational - support for domestic and psychosocial management
  • In the community services sector.
  • Psychosocial care for different groups and people at a social disadvantage - Social mediation - Labour insertion - Promotion of equal opportunities and protection of the rights of victims of gender violence and their children

You will learn to:

  • The general competence of this degree consists of programming, organising, establishing and evaluating participations for social inclusion, applying specific strategies and techniques for this purpose, promoting equal opportunities and, at all times, being respectful of the addressees and guaranteeing the creation of safe environments both for them and for the professional.
  • Work is done through challenges based on collaborative learning.Learning by doing.
  • Transversal competences are worked on: creativity, initiative, teamwork, communication, digital skills…

Social inclusion

Higher degree

Occupational family: Social inclusion
Degree: Social Inclusion technician
School years: 2 
Hours in the centre: 1.640 hours
Internship in a company: 360 hours
Total hours: 2.000 hours

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