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Multiplatform Application Development

Higher degree


  • Development of computer applications for business and business management.
  • Mobile application programmer.
  • Computer systems programmer.
  • Computer applications analyst and designer.
  • Database systems management technician.
  • ERP/CRM (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems technician.
  • ...

You will learn to:

By guaranteeing secure access to data, you will study to become a professional in the development of web, desktop and mobile applications. The jobs you will do are: providing IoT development and solutions, developing mobile applications and games (Android, iPhone), creating Java and Visual Studio.net programs, programming video games.

In the teamwork you will learn using a challenge-oriented methodology and you will be able to visit companies in the area. You will have the possibility to do both internships and dual studies there. In addition, you will be able to learn some modules in English.

* ETHAZI model: (a methodology based on challenges)

  • Work is done through challenges based on collaborative learning. Learning by doing.
  • Transversal competences are worked on: creativity, initiative, teamwork, communication, digital skills,…

Multiplatform Application Development

Higher degree

Occupational family: Computing and Communication
Degree: Multiplatform Application Development technician
Nº de cursos: 2
Internship in a company: 360 horas
Hours in the centre: 1.640 hours
Total hours: 2.000 hours

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