688 716 482 ·  Tel.: 943 85 21 74  ·  bulegoa@izarraitz.eus

Electromechanical Maintenance

Intermediate cycle (NEW)


  • Electrical-electronic installer of automated production lines.
  • Electrical-electronic maintainer of automated production lines.
  • Maintenance mechanic.
  • Industrial fitter.
  • Automated line maintainer
  • Capital goods assembler.
  • Electrical equipment assembler.
  • Electronic equipment fitter.
  • Pneumatic and hydraulic automatism assembler.

Offer 24_25

You will learn to:

  • Carry out the operations associated with the assembly and maintenance of installations.
  • Gather the necessary resources and means to undertake the execution of the assembly or maintenance of installations.
  • Propose modifications to the installations in accordance with the technical documentation to guarantee the viability of the assembly, solving the problems of their competence and reporting other contingencies.
  • Assemble mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and other auxiliary systems associated with electromechanical installations.
  • Assemble electrical and regulation and control systems associated with electromechanical installations, under quality and safety conditions.
  • Manufacture and/or join mechanical components for the maintenance and assembly of electromechanical installations.
  • Carry out tests and verifications, both functional and regulatory, of installations to check and adjust their operation.
  • Diagnose malfunctions of equipment and elements of installations, using the appropriate means and applying established procedures with the required safety.
  • Repairing, maintaining and replacing equipment and elements in the installations to ensure or re-establish operating conditions.
  • Starting up the installation, carrying out safety and operation tests of machines, automatisms and safety devices, after the assembly or maintenance of an installation.

* ETHAZI model: (challenge-based methodology).

  • Work is done through challenges based on collaborative learning. Learning by doing.
  • Cross-cutting skills are worked on: creativity, initiative, teamwork, communication, digital skills, …

Electromechanical Maintenance

Intermediate level

Qualification: Technician in Electromechanical Maintenance
Nº courses: 2
Hours in the company: 380 hours
Hours in the center: 1.620 hours
Total hours: 2.000 hours

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