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Auxiliary Nursing Care (Logse)

Intermediate Cycle (NEW)


  • Home care
  • Oral health promotion
  • Nursing homes
  • Hospital admissions
  • Geriatrics
  • Departments of Social Affairs
  • ...

Offer 24_25

What you will learn:

  • Prepare materials and process consultation/unit information in the areas of your competence.
  • Apply auxiliary nursing care to the patient/client.
  • Take care of the sanitary conditions of the patient’s environment and of the health material/instruments used in the different consultations/units/services.
  • Collaborate in the provision of psychological care to the patient/client, applying, at his/her level, psychological support and health education techniques.
  • Perform instrumentation tasks in oral health teams.

* ETHAZI model: (challenge-based methodology)

  • Work is done through challenges based on collaborative learning. Learning by doing.
  • Cross-cutting skills are worked on: creativity, initiative, teamwork, communication, digital skills, …

Auxiliary Nursing Care

Intermediate level

Degree: Technician in Auxiliary Nursing Care (Logse)
Nº courses: 2
Hours in the company: 400 fixed hours
Hours in the center: 1.000 fixed hours
Total hours: 1.400 fixed hours

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