688 716 482 ·  Tel.: 943 85 21 74  ·  bulegoa@izarraitz.eus

Basic Vocational Training in Office Computing

Basic vocational training (NEW)


  • Assistant assembler of microcomputer systems.
  • Computer systems maintenance assistant.
  • Computer systems installer assistant.
  • Data transmission systems installer assistant.
  • Office assistant.
  • General services assistant.
  • Data recorder and verifier.
  • Digitisation assistant.
  • Documents department worker

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What you will learn:

Using computer equipment and applications, you will acquire the studies to be a professional who adequately develops their work with document and calculation sheets, elaborating microcomputer systems, peripherals, consumables and data cabling. The work you will do will be as follows:

  • Carrying out auxiliary operations of maintenance, repair and assembly of microcomputer systems, installations and auxiliary devices in quality conditions, accumulating the necessary material, carrying out the usual checks and guaranteeing their operation.
  • Performing storage and transport operations of peripheral systems and consumables, according to safety and cataloguing criteria.
  • Laying data cables and assembling conduits, applying standardised procedures and techniques and guaranteeing quality and safety conditions.
  • Handling the user environment tools offered by operating systems and information storage devices.
  • Solving foreseeable problems related to the physical, social, personal and productive environment, distinguishing the effects of habitual activities that may affect the environmental balance, using the elements provided by scientific reasoning and applied and social sciences.
  • Act in a healthy way in different habitual contexts that facilitate personal and social development, analysing habits and positive impacts on human health and working on self-learning and autonomy.
  • Act with respect and sensitivity towards cultural diversity, historical and artistic heritage and cultural and artistic manifestations, taking into account the differential facts and phenomena of contemporary society.
  • Communicate clearly, precisely and fluently in different social or professional contexts, in Basque and Spanish, using basic linguistic resources in a foreign language (English).
  • Assume and comply with safety and occupational risk prevention measures in the performance of work activities, avoiding personal, occupational and environmental damage and complying with quality standards, universal accessibility and design for all.
  • Entrepreneurial spirit and exercise of their rights and fulfilment of the obligations derived from their professional activity, in accordance with current legislation, and active participation in economic, social and cultural lif.

Basic Vocational Training in Office Computing

Basic vocational training

Family: Administration and management
Qualification: Basic professional in office computing
Nº courses: 2
Hours in the company: 260 hours
Hours in the center: 1.740 hours
Total hours: 2.000 hours

* ETHAZI model: (challenge-based methodology).

  • Work is done through challenges based on collaborative learning. Learning by doing.
  • Cross-cutting skills are worked on: creativity, initiative, teamwork, communication, digital skills, …

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